Your Mind Plan
Answer five simple questions and Your Mind Plan gives a personalised mental health action plan. Practical tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, boost your mood, sleep better and feel more in control.
How can I improve my mental health?
The Five ways to Wellbeing are things you can do that can help you feel more positive about how you feel about and live your life. Feeling positive helps you cope with the times when you are feeling low or have had some bad experiences.
- Connect - with the people around you and make time for family and friends.
- Be active - go for a run, take the dog for a walk, play 5-a-side, cycle to work or sign up for a dance class... Whatever it is, make sure it is something you enjoy.
- Take notice - be aware of the world around you and how you are feeling. Reflecting on your experiences will help you appreciate what matters to you.
- Keep learning - whether it's learning how to cook your favourite food, a new language or taking up a new sport or hobby, it's all good for our mind!
- Give - do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time; it can be incredibly rewarding. To find out ways that you can volunteer and get rewarded for your time in Cambridgeshire visit timebanking
Why look after our mental health?
People may feel stressed, anxious, low and experience negative thoughts, often as a reaction to negative circumstances or events. We all feel like that now and then but it's when these thoughts and feelings become so frequent and/or severe that they significantly disrupt our ability to cope with life on a daily basis, such as negatively affecting our relationships, work, sleep and quality of life, that they can become mental health problems. If this happens then it is important to get help from friends, family or professionals such as a GP or a specially trained person. It's important to remember that, with the right advice, guidance and information, people who experience problems are often able to make a full recovery.

Do you feel stressed? Is everything getting on top of you? Are you struggling to cope?
Some people experience feelings that are making them unwell, and are helped by talking to someone. If you or someone you know, is thinking of hurting themselves, has made threats to hurt you or someone else, and is feeling distress that seems overwhelming or suicide seems the only option: there are many organisations that can help with these feelings.
For all the information on who to speak to visit Mental Health Crisis Support or call NHS 111 and select the mental health option.

Information and support for mental health
The Keep Your Head website is a ‘one-stop shop’ for information on wellbeing and mental health for people of all ages across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
The Keep Your Head website has dedicated areas providing information targeted at children and young people and at adults including older people. You don’t need to be a service user to access the site as the information is available to anyone who feels that they need some support with their mental health.
Local sources of information and support
Find information about what is available in your local area in Cambridgeshire.
Information on money advice matters, often a cause of stress.